Thursday, January 8, 2009

Beware for Prolonged Initial Antibiotic Therapy for Extremely-Low-Birth-Weight Infants

In extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW, birth weight of <1000 g) infants, prolonged initial empiric antibiotic therapy should be used with caution. It could cause an increased risk for necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) or death. Although cultures from normally sterile sites usually do not yield any bacterial agents and the incidence of culture-proven bacterial sepsis is low in this population, ELBW infants admitted to intensive care nurseries usually receive empirical antibiotic treatment in the first postnatal days. A study suggested that cefotaxime for the first 3 postnatal days is associated with higher mortality risk, even for the most preterm infants.
(Pediatrics. 2009;123;58-66).


  1. Berbahaya ya menggunakan antibiotik dalam jangka waktu yang lama...

  2. @ Erik : Yg bikin bahaya adlh kandungan bahan kimia di setiap antibiotik. Ya maklumlah namanya juga produk pabrik.

    Utk obat2an sendiri gw lbh prefer ke yg natural/alami. Biar dibilang ndeso yg penting sehat wal faiat...

  3. Hemm iya saya juga lebih merasa aman pakai yg natural/herbal. Kalau gak terpaksa banget saya gak minum obat dari resep dokter. Saya utamakan dengan cara istirahat, olah nafas, dan relaksasi

  4. antibiotik makainya sesuia dengan resep ya...kalo dan harus di habiskan

  5. keduan-duanya baik, yang penting ada niat untuk usaha...

  6. @erik: klo gak sesuai indikasi ya gak baik
    @deka detaro: obat herbal blm tentu aman..:)
    @theVemo: yg penting sesuai indikasi-kontra indikasi
    @ade suherman: setubuh...
